Monday, January 4, 2010

Why in creating a Web page,you must follow the 60%content and 40%design/creativity.?

In creating a web page we must follow the correct content and correct creativity.
It is because to make the web page beautiful and perfect.In order to avoid crowded creativity.Sometimes more content is looks like unorganized.

And When you make design or creativity you must choose the nice or eye catching design, so that it looks perfect.

In making a Web page, sometimes many creativity than content.When you look at, it it become crowded.So when you make a Web page you must think what the exact content and exact creativity and design.

To make people like to see.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

"Experience in Chatting."

Because of Curiosity and supposition of other people, that through chatting you can communicate easily to your love one's in the other country, and you can get many friends through chatting.
During my high school day's, my friends pursued me to try chatting, and that was my first in chatting seeing in the camera's and even in talking to the phone.
At first it was mixed emotion that I felt,.When I started finding people in other country who want's to chat with me. I was excited, nervous and at the same time happy and eagerness to reply
One time their is a 1 person chat with me at the first place his nice talking but in the middle of conversation, he is a rude because he ask me "Are you a V.?" I said yes.! of course..then he reply "oh.! i don't like a V." I was scared.! Then I reply "Ok Bye."
That was my first experience in chatting..
Chatting is nice fun, but use in a proper purpose.. :0

Thursday, November 19, 2009

What is the Impact of the Internet in Education?

Internet for the new generation,yes! very important in Education,because it can help in our research.Internet is somehow essential in education,you just have to browse and everything you ask will be answered.

It can also add the knowledge that you have, it is very simple unlike searching in the library. Everything is is good and easy access, it is 24hour's open unlike library the time is limited.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

A Friend

Friends are like melons, shall I tell you why?
To find someone good, you must have a hundred try

A friend is someone whom you turn to
When our spirit needs a lift
A friend is someone we treasure
For true friend is a gift

A friend is someone we laugh with
Over little personal things
A friend is someone serious
facing whatever life brings

A friend is someone who fill our life
With beauty, joy and grace
And makes the world we live
A better and happier place...
