Thursday, November 19, 2009

What is the Impact of the Internet in Education?

Internet for the new generation,yes! very important in Education,because it can help in our research.Internet is somehow essential in education,you just have to browse and everything you ask will be answered.

It can also add the knowledge that you have, it is very simple unlike searching in the library. Everything is is good and easy access, it is 24hour's open unlike library the time is limited.


  1. Yes, its true that internet are useful in the student in the right and correct use in internet.Usually, now a days we just do copy and paste in our assignment we satisfied what the internet give to us with out knowing that there are some are not right to your question.

    Supose to be we are the BSOA student not do this thing because we already orient by our teacher..Thats all thank you

  2. Your rigth. Nowadays, students are being dependent on internet. The always thought that through thier fingers they can do everything in just a few seconds.

  3. ...yes it is true because in are generation internet is the most powerful gadget in education we don't need a library for us to find the different information but now we can find easy the information because of the internet.

  4. probably your right... in internet nothing is impossible in terms of researching everything you want to know internet will provide...

  5. . . .yes i agree because internet can easy to find of what you wanted to research. . .
